Tips for Managing Your Workload

Time Blocking

Utilize time blocking. This common practice divides your day into blocks where you focus on one task for a specific block of time (e.g., one or two hours). Time blocking helps to spread the workload into more reasonable sprints throughout the day. By focusing specified time on tasks, you can minimize distractions and increase your productivity.

  • Helps establish a workflow and minimizes distractions
  • Creates a sense of control which can reduce stress
  • Enhances concentration and focus, which improves productivity

Plan Ahead 

Planning out your week in advance can help you understand your upcoming deadlines and other obligations you have in your personal and work lives. Start by blocking out the time for activities that can’t be moved, such as work or appointments, and add all your deadlines for the week. Planning your week out in advance helps you prioritize your time better, further increasing your productivity.

  • Helps you focus on the important things and keep track of responsibilities
  • Makes you more productive and maintains balance
  • Helps to say no and feel in control

Create Micro Goals 

Create micro goals for each task focusing on what you need to do now to achieve the short goal. For example, complete the outline for your final paper in the next hour or complete all the assigned reading for your class today. It is easy to feel overwhelmed when you have a lot going on, but by creating micro goals, it’s easier to stay focused on the task at hand. Each micro goal you accomplish helps you feel a sense of control over your workload.

  • Helps you stay motivated
  • Builds confidence and momentum
  • Prevents you from feeling overwhelmed

Stop Procrastinating

It is easy to keep putting things off because we are busy or don’t want to deal with them at the time. But getting into the habit of not procrastinating is critical to managing a busy workload. Procrastination only delays the inevitable and adds more unnecessary stress to your life. In many cases, it can lead to feelings of losing control and result in unintentional self-sabotage.

  • Helps you feel more in control
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Increases efficiency

Prioritize Downtime

Always make sure to schedule some downtime for yourself! Whether using the time to meditate, exercise, socialize, or take a hot bath, we must prioritize downtime in our daily lives. Decompressing by taking time for yourself is critical to help you keep going for the long haul. Prioritizing time for yourself is one of the most important things you can do.

  • It helps clear your mind and allows your brain to rest
  • Reenergizes you so you can keep going
  • Reduces stress

Ask for Help

Asking for help is not a weakness. It is a sign of strength, tenacity, and grit. Your family, friends, professors, and even neighbors can be a pillar of support during busy times.

  • Helps lighten your load so you can focus on other tasks
  • Builds connections with others
  • Decreases stress levels and increases energy

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