Tips to Boost Your Resilience During Grad School

Drink More Water

Did you know that staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your mind and body? Bear in mind that soda, energy drinks, juices, and vitamin waters loaded with sugar are not the best or healthiest options to keep yourself hydrated. The magic elixir is water– good old-fashioned H20.

Drinking water and staying well-hydrated have been shown to improve your energy levels and brain function, which we all know is critical to doing well in school.

The CDC also recommendsother low- or no-calorie beverages to stay hydrated, including:

  • Seltzers
  • Sparkling waters
  • Plain coffee
  • Unsweetened teas

Also, keep in mind there are other ways to help you stay properly hydrated, such as eating fruits and vegetables with high water content, like watermelon or cucumbers.

Make Time to Exercise

This one may seem obvious, but so many people don’t get enough exercise. It’s common knowledge that exercise helps improve your physical health, but did you know it can also help improve your mental health? Making time to exercise, even if it’s just going for a quick walk during the day, can help boost your energy and clear your mind. 

Exercise is linked to a number of benefits, including improving memory and thinking skills which will serve you well as you continue your studies. Getting proper exercise can also improve your sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve your ability to focus and concentrate, among a slew of other benefits. 

Enhance Your Social Life

It might seem counterintuitive to get away from your studies when you’re stressing about them but making time for socialization is not only a good idea, it is essential for your well-being. Maintaining a healthy social life is key to achieving a sustainable balance between school, work, and your personal life. Socializing is not only good for your body, but it’s also good for your mind. Research has shown that social interaction can help sharpen memory and cognitive skills, improve recall, and make us more resilient to stress. Whether scheduling a happy hour or a lunch date, socialization enables you to decompress, lightens your mood, and adds to overall happiness.

Prioritize Sleep

With homework and research paper deadlines, it’s easy to put sleep on the back burner. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, sleep deprivation negatively affects student performance and can affect learning and memory. Tips for getting enough good quality sleep will include:

  • Limit naps
  • Go to bed early
  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening
  • Take time to wind down before bed
  • Dim the lights as it gets closer to bedtime

Set Boundaries

Your motivation to pursue your graduate degree may have been to advance yourself personally and professionally. But in our pursuit of career advancement, life continues around us, and we may be asked to take on additional responsibilities. Setting boundaries helps establish a clear line between schoolwork, personal life, and professional obligations. It might seem unnecessary at times and even a bit excessive, but having a clear separation between these categories can benefit you now and in the future. Setting boundaries will help stop you from getting overtasked and keep you focused on your studies.

Ask for Help

It can be easy for us to isolate ourselves and make the journey a solo mission, but if you take a step back, you will realize that many people are cheering you on and ready to help you achieve your goals. Remember, you have a whole team of people ready to support you whenever you are in need – friends, family, neighbors, professors, and advisors. If you are struggling, take a moment to identify what exactly you need, who you can ask for help, and what you should ask. Including others along the way is a great way to build a strong support network to help get you through graduate school.

Attending graduate school is incredibly exciting and rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and focus. Be mindful along the way and dedicate time and space to practice self-care strategies. Integrating self-care into your weekly routine will pay dividends in supporting the success of your grad school journey and help you lower stress and be happier and healthier. It will make the journey that much more rewarding! 

Attending graduate school is incredibly exciting and rewarding, but it takes a lot of energy and focus. Be mindful along the way and dedicate time and space to practice self-care strategies. Integrating self-care into your weekly routine will pay dividends in supporting the success of your grad school journey and help you lower stress and be happier and healthier. It will make the journey that much more rewarding! 

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